This Bible Study is designed to help all believers grow in a
relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We would love to team you up with one
of our members to guide you through the study. Please fill out a “CONNECT” card on the HOME page to let us know your
desires. If you are going through this study with someone, please fill out an “E.M.S.” card on the RESOURCE page to update us on
your progress. We look forward to hearing from you!
00 Goals of Discipleship
01 Word of God
02 Salvation
03 Eternal Security
04 Baptism and Lord's Supper
05 The Holy Spirit
06 Prayer
07 The Will of God
08 The Local Church
09 Other Christians
10 Giving
11 Money and Possessions
12 Dealing with Sin
13 Lordship, the Law & Liberty
14 My Job & Employer
15 The Lost World
16 The Judgment Seat of Christ